Our newest beer is driving off the shelves.

This is our new low alcohol beer Designated Driver and I know what your thinking, why low alcohol? well we were asked to look into a low alcohol beer by a number of customers who said they would be interested so we thought we would give it a go, there is a lot of times people would like to have a beer but for many reasons they can't and we thought why should these people miss out on the craft beer revolution. This type of beer is challenging to make due to the processes involved and it was very time consuming but we were up for it.
We have created a Pilsner based craft beer with a light fresh flavour and most importantly tastes like a craft beer. The first attempt was to just actually make a low ABV beer that was close to where we wanted to be with it, which is what we think we have done, we will refine the recipe over the next few batches and incorporate feedback from our customers to make this beer as awesome as it can be. Don't compromise, drink a Designated Driver.