Masterchef 2018 finalist Dean Banks is drinking Reids Gold

We were mega excited when we were contacted by Dean to enquire about where he could get hold of our beers that he wanted for his Christmas day. Since our first discussions he has now received his his first taster pack with some excitement by him we believe as he put some unboxing posts up on his instagram page. We have been rooting for Dean throughout the Masterchef competition this year and his near faultless execution every episode just inspires and amazes how well he just seems to take it in his stride, the dishes he produces are just amazing and he really is one class chef. we are obviously going to support the Scottish guy though (sorry our English friends) but we truly do believe we are looking at the winner here of Masterchef 2018. We know either way this talented man has a great future ahead of him and we are happy to be giving him a bit of Reids Gold lubrication along the way. We are supporting Dean all the way.